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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mushy Music and Stuff

I should be writing a blog entry about this weekend that is one of those truth entries.  The ones with the nitty gritty, stuff no one wants to hear about.  But I'm not ready to go there today.  Maybe tomorrow.  In the meantime, this weekend I came across some really great music.  Music is where I go when my head can't take anymore and I feel like I'm going to lose it or just give up.  One of my particular favorite types is rock music done with classical instruments.  For example William Joseph rocking out on the piano to Led Zeppelin's Kashmir.  I discovered a violin player I love--David Garrett.  Check him out on Youtube and search for Smooth Criminal (Michael Jackson) and Thunderstruck (ACDC).  And then there's this song from Rascall Flatts.  Normally, I would have already had this one because I am a big fan, but for some reason the latest album slid in under the radar and I missed it.  When I heard this song, I had to go and get it for myself.  It makes me think of the really wonderful man who has taken all of this on, and continues to do so.  He's not terribly sentimental (OK--not at all), but I know he loves me.   He's the one who won't let go in my life--even when I feel like letting go myself.

Rascal Flatts

1 comment:

  1. I just came across David Garrett myself and fell in love!

    Hang in there. I love you!

