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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Day Is It? (and other stress-induced questions...)

Where did the time go?  It's nearly Thanksgiving.  How do I know this?  Because the assisted living facility where my daughter called to arrange transportation this weekend for my daughter to come home.  Really?  I actually thought it was Friday...last week.  Then I was on a conference call I am on every single workday, and I jotted down my notes as usual under the date.  While idly making notes and doodling, I realized that I had been writing the dates as "May" for...wait for it...ten days.  And never noticed.  Either I am really out of touch or...ok, I'm just out of touch.

Every article I've ever read on autoimmune diseases warn about the dangers of stress.  Stress is a killer, no matter what you do (or don't) deal with.  It can cause all sorts of problems in the body from the inflammation it causes.  In my case, its something I get to live with every day.  So what do I do?  Stress myself out until I literally boil over with cold sores across my lips, down my throat, and a few zits thrown in for good measure.  As long as I can remember, the cold sores on my lips signified the amount of stress in my body.  This time I decided they weren't going to be as bad and I got right on them with essential oils.  And it worked.  They immediately stopped growing--at which point I promptly forgot to continue my treatment and three days later--yup.  All across, around, and in between.

Which brings me to the next thing I know about stress.  My memory goes.  And not just wondering what day it is--I mean as in I started to dial the number of a conference call yesterday and by the time I finished dialing, I had already forgotten and then forgot the call altogether.  The other day I went to the grocery store and when I reached the checkout, I realized I had become what you swore you wouldn't as a child--THE Mom in the store with the slippers.  Wouldn't you think I would have noticed or remembered BEFORE I left for the store?  Or how about the food I put in the oven, burned, replaced, then burned again?

Next up on the signs of the stress-o-meter--lack of focus.  Which kind of goes with memory.  And forgetting what day it is.  But truly deserves a mention all its own.  For example, while typing this, I have been distracted no less than five or six times and so this short little ditty started early in the morning is still getting written at 3 pm in the afternoon.  In fact, after I wrote the first sentence of this paragraph, I had to check my e-mail on my phone.  Just in case I missed the latest spam on how to enlarge my very absent piece of male anatomy.