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Saturday, August 27, 2011

I hate to admit it...but...

Gosh!  Where do I start?  With the vacation that wasn't one?  Or with the changes since then?  Our vacation turned out to be more "tion" than "vaca."  I think we may have missed the whole concept of vacation somewhere.  No less than four children had major crisis while we were gone.  Perhaps they were waiting for us to get "there".  On the way home, my husband was rear ended on the freeway, by a semi truck--and walked away.  He will tell you proudly that the semi truck had more damage than he did, but the truth is it totaled all of his business equipment.  Fortunately, the semi's insurance company is liable.  Unfortunately, it will be a long time before they pay out.  Fortunately, my husband is fine!

For a year or more a friend of mine has been telling me about essential oils.  For the most part, I let it in one ear and out the other.  I'm a little scientific, I guess, but when someone starts throwing testimonials and stories at me as proof a product works, I am not too excited about it.  In fact, truth be told, it makes me want to run with all speed in the opposite direction.  I want SCIENCE.  This friend showed up with a little science when she came to Texas back in February, so I was more interested and thought about giving it a try.  I duly trotted myself down to the grocery store's "health food aisle" and checked out the oils there.  They were so expensive, but that wasn't the worst part--they did not smell like hers.  In fact, one of them was so bad I figured if I used it by my boys when they were passing gas, no one would even know.  I went home and figured I had done my due diligence.  And frankly, I did not want my friend to be right.  Because at that point, I was still waiting for what was going to happen "to" me next.

Fast forward to the tion-no-vaca.   My dear sweet little guy struggles through life so much.  He had reached the point where I knew he was going to end up back in the hospital if I didn't find a solution.  So to doTERRA I schlepped because I figured at this point, I had nothing to lose.  To borrow my sister's phrase, I bought enough oils to slick my way back to Texas and started using them on him.  And they worked.  He has had one PRN since that day and he was using 2-3 a day.  Then I started using them on me.  And they are working.  Then I decided to start diffusing them into the air in the house.  And there was a noticeable difference in my boys level of activity (code for with four boys at once....) And then I spent two weeks swallowing crow and chewing on it while I figured out that I had been a bit of a stupid idiot.  This actually, is not a new concept.  I figured the final proof was when the repairman came yesterday to fix the washer.  He smelled like he lived in the room in the airport where all the smokers go after an eight hour flight.  When he left, I decided to go look for the kids who had disappeared.  They had started the diffuser and were all huddled around sucking in the mist as hard and as fast as they could.  If the kids are doing it, it must work.  They balk at anything that isn't 95% fat, sugar, preservatives, or all three.

It made me wonder, though.  How many things in my life have I decided weren't worth my time that could have been a blessing in my life?  It pains me to think about how stubborn I can be.  It also made me wonder how many times God has to keep sending the same messages to me because I can't seem to see the neon sign blinking in my face.  And lastly, it just might be that this disease that I felt was slowly sucking the life out of me has started to actually teach me how to live.  Boy howdy, would I hate to admit that.